"The 'Art' of War" ©
       How to create a war in eight, sure-fire steps.

     No war was ever started overnight. No people ever entered a war with one simple step. History has taught us that people are led to wars—both justified and not—by their leaders who provide and promote reasons to go to war, step-by-step, inexorably leading to deadly conflicts with enemies—real and imagined.

     As visitors proceed from door to door along the exhibition's “Path to War and Glory” they will begin to recognize a tragic, repetitive historical formula and fatalistic determinism for war and persecution evolving before their eyes that is compelling because of its universality and timelessness.

     The “‘Art’ of War . . . " exhibition, however, offers hope and reassuring insight to visitors based on the implicit understanding that if--in the real world--one refuses to enter these “doors”, or to follow, mindlessly, the “path to war”, mankind may solve its most grievous problems with foreign “enemies” through mutual understanding and diplomacy rather than through threats of violence, belligerence, war, and persecution.

     To request a copy of the exhibition prospectus, available scheduling dates, and professional fees email the artist, Patrick Morelli.

Email address: "MorelliART@aol.com"

© www.MorelliART.com