"Freedom of Expression:
                  Use it, or lose it!" ©

     This interactive, collaborative, perpetual work-in-progress and interactive public art document--channels and documents the univ- ersal desire of all people to publically express an opinion, execute a drawing, or draw a symbol communicating a feeling, an idea, an opinion, or a suggestion concerning government and politics or, for that matter, anything that's on their minds.

     No public figure is sacrosanct. No topic is too important or too trivial about which to record an opinion or factual statement. “Let freedom ring!”—and be written and expressed —on a museum or gallery wall for all the world to see.

     To request a copy of the exhibition prospectus, available scheduling dates, and professional fees email the artist, Patrick Morelli.

Email address: "MorelliART@aol.com"

© www.MorelliART.com