"Myth America" ©

     In 1939 a brutal dictator, Adolph Hitler, rose to power in Nazi Germany. His philosophy of war and peace was based on a belief in a “Master Race” that was, genetically, superior in intelligence, physical prowess, and qualities of leadership.

     His philosophy was promulgated by his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, Nazi filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl, and others who used mass media of the day—film, radio, newspapers, and books—to brainwash Germans and their allies around the world into believing in the philosophy of a “Master Race” which had a moral imperative to subjugate—or eliminate—“inferior races”.

     The World War which ensued because of this philosophy caused the death of 20,000,000 Russians, 6,000,000 Jews, 1,000,000 American and allied soldiers, and countless civilian adults and children.

     Do those who control American Mass Media—entertainment, news, and advertising—thoughtlessly, or deliberately—continue to promote and perpetuate a philosophy of a “Master Race”, identical to that of the Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, in which Anglo-Saxons are glorified as heroic, highly-intelligent, and morally superior while people of other races and ethnic backgrounds are stereotyped as ignorant, criminal, and socially-inferior?

     “Myth America”—through the artful exhibition and juxtaposition of posters, advertisements, news headlines, photographs, video, and copies of magazine covers and other archival materials— seeks to explore answers to this question and provoke thought and discussion about the effects of American Mass Media in shaping and influencing, for better or worse, the self-esteem, national image, and social progress of ethnic and racial groups in the United States, and around the world.

     To request a copy of the exhibition prospectus, available scheduling dates, and professional fees email the artist, Patrick

Email address: "MorelliART@aol.com"

© www.MorelliART.com